My Experience As a First Time Teacher pt 1

******Disclaimer*********Before I start: this is my opinion and the experiences I had as a first time teacher.  If you do not agree with me then that is okay.  I am here because I feel that God wants me to share what I experienced as a classroom teacher. 

There are no books that can ever describe the first day that you enter into the classroom and reach a child for the first time.  There are no books that describe the smile on a child’s face when he or she has learned something for the first time.  There is no greater feeling that you receive than watching a child interacting with other children when you have been told they are anti-social.  My first year of teaching was an extraordinary year.  A year of many changes for me educationally and personally. 

When I entered into the teaching field I knew I was going to find a job right away.  Hey, I was a person who had a bachelor’s degree who wouldn’t want me.  Well what I learned is, they are always saying they need teachers, but they never tell you how hard it is to find your first job.  No one seems to want to take a chance on the new person.  There are so many regulations that schools have to go by.  With all of those expectations a school wants to know that whomever they are hiring that he or she knows their job and will do wonders in the classroom.  I graduated in May of 2004.  I sent out resumes to at least five different schools.  I was told when looking for a job it is a job in itself.  I was a stupid college graduate who thought that they knew everything so I never listened.  I prayed that God would find favor in me and give me a job.  Well God will only give you a job if you are actually trying to get one.  Like I said before I thought just because I graduated everyone should want me.  I ended up after the five resumes, sending out I think like ten more.  I finally heard from a school district.  It was a long and hard process, but I did eventually find a job.  If you are at that moment where you have just graduated or you are a person looking for an education job, keep looking.  Make sure that it is the right fit for you, your family, and your boss.  An interview isn't just for the school district.  It is for you too.  As much as they are interviewing you, you are interviewing them too.  It is okay to say no if you do not like the job or feel comfortable with it.  Don't put yourself in a placement where you will be uncomfortable.  Make sure that you will love your job, co-workers, boss, students, and parents.  If you aren't happy then it will show in the classroom.  Students deserve a teacher that will care for them and love them.   

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