Candy Sight Word Activities

My nephew asked me to create a game like Candy Land for him that covered sight words. He is in Kindergarten and just learning sight words.  I was inspired to create a game that had candy in it.  When I gave it to my nephew he loved it.  I hope you do to.
  There are 6 activities and sight word worksheets.

The sight words are: I, I’m, me, am, did, had, he, is, see, the, we, a, an, and, at, big, can, his, in, it, need, said, this, was, be, but, have, not, on, red, run, ten, up, us, of, to

 The activities include:

·         2 sight word games

~The object of the game is to keep as many cards as you can.  When the game is over, whoever has the most cards wins.

·         Bingo

~There is a 3 in a row or 5 in a row.  I have made it where you can print a copy for centers or for the entire class.

·         Scrambled words

~One side of the flashcard is the word and the other side is the same word but scrambled.  The object is to try to unscramble the word.

·         Sight Word Candy Game

~This is a board game that allows students to land on different color boxes.  They have to say the sight word.  If they do not know the sight word then they have to go back to their original spot.

·         Sight Word Work

~I created worksheets to reinforce sight words.  Each worksheet covers 5 sight words.  Students will write sight words in abc order, color the sight words, find the sight words in a group, find the sight words in a sentence, write the sight words fancy smancy, fill in the boxes, word searches, and rainbow write.

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