If you are looking for something that will help teach your students about ai, ay than this is the activity for you.
I love using this activity, because I can use it in whole group, small group, or during centers. There is so much information in this activity that will give students plenty of opportunity to learn this skill.
Here is some more detailed information about this activity.
activity comes with:
A Story, Wall Sign, and IdeasPicture and Word Sort with Worksheet
Puzzle Match and Worksheet
Word Scramble and Worksheet
Word Sort and Worksheet
AI and AY Worksheets
Black and White Word Cards
Lesson Plans
Reading Practice and Home Activity Letters
AI and AY Assessment
Video Ideas and Book Titles that Teach AI and AY

A Story, Wall Sign, and
Story explains why ai and ay say their name. -The Wall Display has two songs and a short story that goes along with the longer version
-The Printable Story can be sent home so students can practice reading
-Worksheet: students will read the words and write them under ai or ay
-This activity comes in color and black and white
Picture and Word Sort with
will match pictures to words and sort by ai and ay -I left some cards blank so you can fill them out and add pictures
-Worksheet: place words around the room and have students write the words under ai and ay
-This activity covers 19 ai and ay words
-Word and Picture sort comes in color and black and white

Picture Sort and
sort pictures by ai and ay. Then try to
spell out each picture on a marker board.-Picture sort comes in color and black and white
-Worksheet: students will read the words, cut out the pictures, and glue them next to its word.
-This activity covers 33 ai and ay words

-Students match pictures and words together. Then sort the match by ai or ay.
-Worksheet: students will read the words at the bottom of the page, cut them out, and glue them under ai or ay.
-This activity covers 22 ai and ay words.
-Puzzle match comes in color and black and white

-Another set of cards with picture and words together
-Worksheet: students will unscramble the word, write it in the blank, cut out the picture, glue it next to the word, and write a sentence over one word.
-Word Scramble comes in color and black and white
-This activity covers 21 ai and ay words

Word Sort and Worksheet:
-Students read the words and place them under the ai or ay
-Word Sort comes in color and black and white
-Worksheet: students read the sentence and fill in the blank with the words below.
-This activity covers 33 ai and ay words

-Word and Picture Sort
-This product is in black and white only
activity packet covers 55 ai and ay words
-The home activity letter has students find a picture that covers the skill for the week and glue on the back of it. Students can use magazines, online pictures, or draw their own picture. Students bring back the letter and sort the pictures by the skill of the week.
AI and AY
tests the skill for the week. There are
two parts to the assessment. In the
first part, students read words. In the
second part, students apply the words into sentences. On the teacher copy, circle the words that
students get correct. When students are
reading sentences, check for the skill words for the week and circle the words
they get correctly. If students get 8/10
right then they have mastered the skill.
Common Core State Standards that
are covered in this activity
RF.1.2, RF.1.3, RF.1.3.c, RF.1.4, RF.1.4.a, RF.1.4.b, RF.1.4.c~If you like this activity then you might like:
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