Yearly Calendar with Dates comes with:
~Days of the Week
~Yesterday was, Today is, Tomorrow will be
~Months of the year
Dates with pictures (each picture goes from 1-31) comes with:
~School Houses
~Fire Trucks
~Falling Leaves
~Gingerbread Men
~Gingerbread Houses
~Riding through Winter (child driving through the snow)
~Winter with snowflakes
~Rainy Day (child walking with a raincoat)
~Spring (child watching butterflies and flowers)
~Flying Kites
~Birthday Cakes (You can use these cakes to show students birthdays)
~Beach Chair and Sun
Picture dates can be used as patterns during Calendar time. You can also print the cards and make games out of them.
My students love the different pictures each month. They never knew what to expect, but it made calendar time more exciting to see the different pictures. I have used the number cards with my son. He loves to place the fire engine numbers in order.
Common Core State Standards that are covered in this product:
K.CC.A.1, K.CC.A.2, RF.1.1, RF.1.2.
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