Are you looking for a quick game that will review the alphabet, then this is the activity for you? I love using this game in my classroom. This game could be used in whole group or small group. This game gives me the opportunity to really pay attention to what letters and sounds my students know, and which ones they do not know.
The object of this game is to review letters and sounds.
This can be played in multiple ways:
- Match the Alphabet
- Write the Room
- Alphabet Card Game
- Go Fish
- Memory
- Mingle
- 2 Circles
- 4 Corners
- Get Up and Match
- Hide and Seek
- Uppercase to Lowercase/Puzzle
- Writing Worksheet
Match the Alphabet
You will want to print two sets of cards. Have students put the first set laid out on the floor. The second set is to be used to match the alphabet. Students will continue to find their alphabet match until all cards are gone. Students could play in partners. If they play in partners then the second set of cards will be split into two groups. Whoever matches all of their cards first is the winner. Another way to play the game is by using a timer. If they beat the timer they win the game.
You will want to print two sets of cards. Have students put the first set laid out on the floor. The second set is to be used to match the alphabet. Students will continue to find their alphabet match until all cards are gone. Students could play in partners. If they play in partners then the second set of cards will be split into two groups. Whoever matches all of their cards first is the winner. Another way to play the game is by using a timer. If they beat the timer they win the game.
Write the Room
Place the alphabet cards around the room. Give students a worksheet. Students will go around finding each letter. When students
find a letter, they will then write it onto their worksheet.
Uppercase and Lowercase/Puzzle
Cut the cards in half where the uppercase is on one side and the
lowercase is on the other. Students will then match uppercase and
lowercase together.
Modification: Uppercase and lowercase can be played in the other
games. The only modification would be to cut the cards in half so
students could match uppercase to lowercase.

These are the common core standards that are covered in this product:
Alphabet Match
Print off 2 sets of cards. Only cut one set out. Leave the other
set put together. Students will use the cut out set to match to the
set that is still put together.
Go Fish or Memory
You can play the game by making two copies of the cards and then
play Go Fish or Memory.

Mingle is where you give each student a card. You start the game
by saying “mingle”. Students will walk around the room until you say
stop. When you say stop, students are to find the closest person
to them to partner up with. They read their card to them and then
switch cards. Repeat the game until students lose interest.
2 Circles
The 2 circles game is where students get into 2 circles (an inner
and outer circle). When they get into their circle they make sure
that they have a partner that faces them (inner circle faces outer
circle). Students read their card to their partner and switch
cards. Then the inner circle moves to the right one time. Continue
to do this until students have made a complete circle.
4 Corners
Number the corners of the classroom from 1 to 4. Give each student an alphabet card. Count students of 1 to 4. All of the students that are 1 will go to the number 1 corner. All of the students
that are 2 will go into the number 2 corner. All the students that
are 3 go into the number 3 corner. All the students that are 4 go
into the number 4 corner. Students first share with their group
the card that they have. They will discuss the sound and the letter
that is on it. Once all students have had a time to talk then call out
Example: call out groups 1 and 2. Those groups will come to the
middle and find a partner. They will show that partner their card,
tell them the sound, and the letter that is on it. Then partners
switch cards and go back to their original corner. Next group would
be 3 and 4. Continue to do this until all corners have been called.
Get Up and Match
Print 2 sets of cards. Students are given one card. Make sure that
matches have been passed out. Students will go find a friend that
has the same card as them. Once they have found their match,
they stay next to each other until everyone finds a match to their
Hide and Seek part 1
Hide cards around the room. Have students go find a card and
come back to their seats. When all cards are found, have them tell
their shoulder partner what card that they have.
Hide and Seek part 2
Print 2 sets of cards. Hide one set of cards around the room.
Hand the other set to students. Students should only get one card
each. Once all cards are passed out have them go find their matching card around the room. When they have found it they will come
back to the carpet to show their shoulder partner which one they
Writing Worksheets:
Have students place the alphabet cards into a pile. Students will
pick one card at a time. The letter that is on the card, they will
write down on the worksheet.
If students use the dotted alphabet worksheet, when they pick a
card they will find that letter on the worksheet, and trace it.
activity comes with:
- 26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards with pictures in color
- 26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards with pictures in b&w
- 26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards in color
- 26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards in b&w
- 26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards with pictures in color created to be a puzzle
- 26 uppercase and lowercase letter cards with pictures in b&w created to be a puzzle
- 26 picture cards in color
- 26 picture cards in b&w
- 3 worksheets
These are the common core standards that are covered in this product:
RF.K.1.B, RF.K.1.D, RF.K.2, RF.K.3, RF.K.3.A, RF.K.3.B
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