This product will help you to create a positive environment
for your classroom. It will give you
different classroom management ideas that you can implement how you feel fit.
This product comes with:
~2 Behavior Chart Signs one with a colored background and
one without a colored background
-The behavior chart
gives students the opportunity to move up or down on a chart. It allows students to be able to keep track
of their behavior. The colors are
green=Ready to Learn, blue=Making Good Choices, Purple=Being an Example,
pink=WOW!! Fantastic!!, yellow=Think About It, Orange=Teacher’s Choice,
Red=Parent Contact. Students start on
green. If they make good choices then
they are able to move up on the chart.
When my students get to pink I give them a sticker. Once they have reached pink 5 times then I
will have lunch with them. Then that
student will start over and will get to have lunch with me again once he/she
has earned 5 stickers. If a student goes
below green then there are consequences that I have them follow.

~2 different types of Behavior Logs. One that is double-sided and one that is on
one page.
-The behavior logs
go from August to July. Each month comes
with a small explanation of what the colors mean. A reminder to parents to check their child’s
folder daily, and a picture with the month next to it. At the bottom part, it has the days of the
week and boxes with the different colors.
You write the dates above each box and then copy enough for each
student. Then place the log in each student’s
folder. Each day whatever color a
student is on then you circle that color.
That way parents will know how their child behaved for the day. There is a comment section for each day if
you need to use it.
~2 Parent Letters that explain how to you will use the
behavior chart in your classroom
-The first
letter discusses the behavior chart and giving students a small treat like
cookie crunch cereal, smarties, skittles, m&m’s, and etc, when they bring
back their behavior log signed. I give
one cookie crunch cereal for every color that a student is on. For example: if a student is on pink then
that student would get 4 cookie crunch cereal cookies. You can do that with smarties, skittles,
m&m’s, and etc. Now I do not give
the whole package to a student. I only
give them one piece. My students loved
the extra treat at the end of the day.
The letter also talks about having FUN FRIDAY. On Fridays, at the last 15 to 20 minutes, I
would give my students free choice time.
This was a time that I would pull out games that they do not normally
get to play with every day.
-The second letter
discusses the behavior chart, but I left out the special treats and Fun
~Behavior Log Daily Schedule
-There are two
different types of daily schedules. The
first one has all of the different subjects that a student learns throughout
the week. You will just have to fill in
the times. The second one is blank so
you can fill in your schedule and the times.
I use the daily schedule for students that are having difficulties with
behavior in my classroom. It gives the
parents and me information on what is going on with that student.
~Sticker charts come with a colored background and no
-Sticker charts go
with the behavior logs. There is a
sticker chart for every month. I use my
sticker charts for homework. When a
student brings back a homework page then I give them a sticker. Once they fill the entire sticker chart then
they are able to go to my treasure box.
~This also comes with instructions on how to use the
behavior chart sign, behavior logs, sticker charts, behavior chart letters,
behavior log daily schedule, and ideas on classroom management.
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